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Plastic surgery

ศัลยกรรมตัดหน้าอก (Top Surgery)

FTM (Female-to-Male) mastectomy, also known as "top surgery," is a gender-affirming surgical procedure for transgender men and non-binary individuals. This procedure is designed to remove breast tissue and create a more masculine-appearing chest.


 Procedure details:

 Removal of breast tissue

 Repositioning and resizing of nipples and areolas (if necessary)


 Recovery time varies, typically 1-2 weeks before returning to light activities

Full recovery may take several weeks to months


Permanent removal of breast tissue

 Scars will fade over time but may remain visible

 Follow-up care:

 Regular check-ups with surgeon

 Scar care and management


It's important for individuals considering FTM mastectomy to consult with experienced surgeons and to have a strong support system throughout the process.


Nan Ah Hospital

Plastic Surgery Department

Make an appointment 

+66945055454 (Call / Whatsapp)

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